Demo of the prototype available to download!

Hi all,

I am happy to announce that I finally managed to get a proper build of the 3D platformer prototype project. This build is meant for all of you to experience and test the very basic mechanics of the game. Besides, I spent quite a lot of time finding how the art style could look like. The game can be played both with keyboard or with an XBOX type controller. I recommend using the XBOX controller. It will automatically recognize if it is connected to the computer. Note that there is no title or end screens. You will start already in the prototype level. You will need to close the window whenever you want to quit the game.

Please, feel free to comment below. Any feedback would be really appreciated. These core mechanics are meant to extend in many different ways to solve puzzles and explore the differnet levels. I would also be happy to hear suggestions on the direction I should take :)

The build does not need to be installed. You only need to execute the .exe file. Note that it will create a data folder in your AppData/Roaming location named 3dplatformer-prototype. There, a log file will be stored and a config file which currently have the xbox and/or keyboard mouse controllers. In case you experience any crash of the app, I would appreciate if you can send me the log file.

The build can be found in the project page

I hope you enjoy the demo.

Thanks for playing!

Files 50 MB
39 days ago

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