Testing stealth prototype game mechanics

Hi all!

Since the last post on the enemies fields of view and the switch of the game towards stealth, I have been working on a quick prototype to start testing game mechanic ideas. Here, I want to share with you some of these ideas. Note that this is a quick prototype, there are quite a lot of bugs! Besides, enemies now do nothing when you get spotted, my initial idea is that after a while being spotted then you have to start from the beginning or a save point. But, I am not totally sure what will fit best here.  

Here I show one of the core mechanics of the game. Crouching and just hiding! You must avoid the fields of view of the enemies. The height of the player plays an important role here. In some areas you need to be crouched, otherwise the enemies can spot you. 

Another important mechanic is climbing. Here, I only show the player being able to go up and down on the different floor levels. However, the climbing is designed to work along any defined path. There will be areas where you have to climb from one zone to another and perhaps avoid being spotted!

Enemies follow a pre-defined patrol. However, there are navigation obstacles in the game that can be used to block their path. Here, I show how the player can push an obstacle on the path of the enemy and prevent the enemy to perform the patrolling path.'

Finally, I show how this pushable block can be used as a shield to move towards fields of view without being seen!

Another important mechanics that is not shown here is noise. When the player walks generates a sound wave that can make enemies turn towards you. VFX is missing for this, I will probably do some nice shader trick.

Do you like these game mechanics? What else would you think may fit on this 3D person stealth game? 

Thanks for reading and watching and I am always looking forward to your comments and freedback!

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